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химия / Физическая химия / Электрохимия

Alkire R.C., Kolb D.M. (eds.) 
Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering v.7 [Wiley, 2001] (pdf, 5326 KB, English, OCR)
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Bard A.J., Faulkner L.R. 
Electrochemical methods. Fundamentals and applications [2ed., Wiley, 2001] (pdf, 23781 KB, English, OCR, cleaned)
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Batteries and Fuel Cells [Chemical Reviews v.104, N.10, 2004] (pdf, 14696 KB, English, OCR)
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Бахчисарайцьян Н.Г., и др. 
Практикум по прикладной электрохимии [3ед., Химия, 1990] (pdf, 4912 KB, Russian, OCR)
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Бейзер М., Лунд Х. (ред.) (Baizer M, Lund H.)
Органическая электрохимия т.1 [Химия, 1988] (djvu, 5567 KB, 300dpi, Russian, OCR, color)
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Бейзер М., Лунд Х. (ред.) (Baizer M, Lund H.)
Органическая электрохимия т.2 [Химия, 1988] (djvu, 5976 KB, 300dpi, Russian, OCR, color)
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Беленький М.А., Иванов А.Ф. 
Электроосаждение металлических покрытий [Металлургия, 1985] (djvu, 5106 KB, 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR, color)
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Bockris J.O.,
Reddy A. Modern Electrochemistry. v.1 Ionics [2ed., Kluwer, 2002] (pdf, 27277 KB, English, OCR)
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Bockris J.O.,
Reddy A. Modern Electrochemistry. v.2A Fundamentals of Electrodics [2ed., Kluwer, 2002] (pdf, 18587 KB, English, OCR)
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Brajter-Toth A., Chambers J.Q.(eds.) ,
Electroanalytical Methods for Biological Materials [Dekker, 2002] (pdf, 2508 KB, English, OCR)
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Brett Ch., Brett A. 
Electrochemistry: principles, methods, and applications [Oxford, 1994] (pdf, 7298 KB, English, OCR)
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Britz D. 
Digital simulation in electrochemistry [Springer, 2005] (pdf, 2440 KB, English, OCR)
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Christensenand P.A., Hamnett A. 
Techniques and Mechanisms in Electrochemistry [Chapman, 1994] (pdf, 5000 KB, English, OCR)
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Compton R.G., Hamnett A. (eds.) 
Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics v29. New Techniques for the Study of Electrodes and Their Reactions [Elsevier, 1989] (pdf, 7448 KB, English, OCR)
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Conway B.E., et al. 
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry Vol.36 [Kluwer, 2003] (pdf, 8673 KB, English, OCR)
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Conway B.E., et al., (eds.) 
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry v.16 [Plenum Press, 1985] (pdf, 8146 KB, English, OCR)
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Conway B.E., et al., (eds.) 
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry v.18 [Plenum Press, 1986] (pdf, 6442 KB, English, OCR)
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Conway B.E., et al., (eds.) 
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry v.20 [Plenum Press, 1989] (pdf, 7796 KB, English, OCR)
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Conway B.E., et al., (eds.) 
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry v.31 [Kluwer, 1999] (pdf, 6333 KB, English, OCR)
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Conway B.E., et al., (eds.) 
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry v.32 [Kluwer, 2002] (pdf, 3372 KB, English, OCR)
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Conway B.E., et al., (eds.) 
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry v.33 [Kluwer, 1999] (djvu, 14944 KB, 300dpi, English, OCR)
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Conway B.E., et al., (eds.) 
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry v.34 [Kluwer, 2002] (pdf, 1526 KB, English, OCR)
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Dini J.W. 
Electrodeposition. The Materials Science of Coatings and Substrates [Dini, 1993] (pdf, 5755 KB, English, OCR)
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Durand-Vidal S., et al.
 Electrolytes At Interfaces [Kluwer, 2002] (pdf, 13431 KB, English, OCR)
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Феттер К. 
Электрохимическая кинетика [1967] (pdf, 29406 KB, Russian, OCR)
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Gellings P., Bouwmeester H., eds 
The CRC handbook of solid state electrochemistry [CRC, 1997] (pdf, 7764 KB, English, OCR)
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Gosser D.K. 
Cyclic Voltammetry: Simulation and Analysis of Reaction Mechanisms [VCH, 1993] (djvu, 1161 KB, 300dpi, English, OCR)
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Izutsu K. 
Electrochemistry in nonaqueous solutions [Wiley, 2002] (pdf, 2616 KB, English, OCR)
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Якименко Л.М. 
Электродные материалы в прикладной электрохимии [Химия, 1977] (djvu, 4050 KB, 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
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Kissinger P., Heineman W.R. 
Laboratory techniques in electroanalytical chemistry [Dekker, 1996] (djvu, 9065 KB, 300dpi, English, OCR)
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Корыта И., Штулик К. (J.Koryta, K.Stulik)
Ионо-селективные электроды [Мир, 1989] (djvu, 4060 KB, 600dpi, Russian, OCR, cleaned)
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Koryta J. et al.
Principles of Electrochemistry [Wiley, 1993] (pdf, 9627 KB, English, OCR)
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Linden D., Reddy T.B. (eds.) 
Handbook of batteries [3ed., MGH, 2002] (pdf, 15216 KB, English, OCR)
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Lund H., Hammerich O. 
Organic Electrochemistry [4ed., Dekker, 2001] (djvu, 14064 KB, 300dpi, English, OCR)
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McHardy J., Ludwig F. 
Electrochemistry of semiconductors and electronics: processes and devices [NP, 1992] (pdf, 4436 KB, English, OCR)
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Milchev A. 
Electrocrystallization. Fundamentals of Nucleation and Growth [Kluwer, 2002] (pdf, 8762 KB, English, OCR)
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Ньюмен Дж. (J.S.Newman)
Электрохимические системы [Мир, 1977] (djvu, 5725 KB, 600dpi, Russian, OCR, cleaned)
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Popov K., et al. 
Fundamental Aspects of Electrometallurgy [Kluwer, 2002] (pdf, 7496 KB, English, OCR)
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Робинсон Р., Стокс Р. (R.A.Robinson, R.H.Stokes)
Растворы электролитов [ИЛ, 1963] (djvu, 9586 KB, 600dpi, Russian, OCR)
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Шлугер М.А. (ред.) 
Гальванические покрытия в машиностроении т.1 [Машиностроение, 1985] (djvu, 5606 KB, 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR)
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Шлугер М.А. (ред.) 
Гальванические покрытия в машиностроении т.2 [Машиностроение, 1985] (djvu, 6760 KB, 300dpi, landscape, Russian, OCR)
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Wang J. 
Analytical Electrochemistry [2nd ed., Wiley, 2000] (pdf, 3809 KB, English, OCR)
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Харнед Г., Оуэн Б. (Harned H., Owen B.)
Физическая химия растворов электролитов [2ед., ИЛ, 1952] (djvu, 13016 KB, 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
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Зарецкий С.А., и др. 
Электрохимическая технология неорганических веществ и химические источники тока [1980] (djvu, 5829 KB, 300dpi, Russian, OCR)
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Минаев В.С.
Стеклообразные полу-проводниковые сплавы Металургия 1991г,407с.
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